For the past few years the it seems that there has been a growing desire for
google to dominate the web. Why not? They seem to know what they are doing. The question on several mainstream users/authors is "When will they have their own browser?"
That wait is over. In the middle of 2008, google quietly announced a new project that had begun public distribution in a beta format. They called it Chrome ( I was so eager to try it that I downloaded it and installed it with out even reading the terms of service or EULA (End Users License Agreement). I know what your thinking, "Dave come on everyone reads those..." Yeah right! But as it turns out the terms of the agreement basically stated that anything you did using their browser became property of google. This threw the whole tech community in a one day outcry of, "FOUL!" With in 48 hours of its release, google changed the wording of the license to be less demanding.
It is true that information is king and those who control it shall rule the world. I am now sure that for every little piece of software I put on my system, I will have to read the license very carefully. I advise you to do the same.
Coming up I will review Chrome and tell you that it is probably the best browser available today...